
New Record West Of Denman

Buoyancy in the rural lifestyle property market continues to ensure this sector remains a strong viable option for investment. The result of last week’s auction of ‘Yarradale’ 133 Ferndale Road Yarrawa is a perfect example of this market strength. A small holding of just five acres with beautiful valley views, 20 year old home and above ground pool, Yarradale set a record for small acreage in the area, finding wonderful new owners looking to secure their first home for their young family.

While we have seen evidence of the market starting to flatten out slightly, there are still plenty of buyers looking to secure these rural holdings as well as quality residential properties. Beautifully presented properties are really standing out amongst the crowd and will continue to achieve fantastic results.

If you’re looking for advice on the salability of your home or if you just need some direction, please contact any of our sales team at Bailey. We’re here to get you there.

“Aren’t you just a bit curious what your
place could be worth today?”