The rental market in Singleton is still very strong. It’s the age-old supply vs demand.
There are currently 36 properties available for rent in the Singleton area with approximately 50% being fully furnished. 4 of the 36 are currently advertised by our agency.
COVID has not impacted the number of enquiries coming through for rentals. Our office is still receiving a very high number of enquiries for each listing. We are now pre-approving applications for all advertised properties to reduce the numbers attending inspections and ensure we comply with the COVID restrictions.
Rental prices are still very high with the average rent being around $400 for the area. Prices for large 4-bedroom, 2-bathroom homes with a double garage are renting around the $600-620 per week.
If you are interested in finding out what your investment may be worth, or just looking for some further information, please do not hesitate to contact or office for a confidential chat.
We’re here to get you there, wherever you may be on your property investment journey.